SAT Prep Online

Should you take your SAT prep work online with companies like Livius Prep?

Absolutely! Online tutoring can make preparation easier, affordable, and accessible, but you must make sure that the company you choose is thoroughly prepared to provide personalized, quality instruction that produces real results.

SAT Prep OnlinePreparing with Livius Prep will promote test-taking skill, content knowledge, and confidence. The average student who studies with us achieves a 225-point SAT score increase. We employ tutors from the best higher learning institutions in the entire nation, and we enhance that knowledge with a deep understanding of student motivation, learning styles, and individualized instruction.

Inviting You to Study with Livius Prep

Livius Prep has over 35 years of experience with processes we’ve perfected over the decades, expert-level tutors, and an 8+ methodology for targeted tutoring.

Our SAT preparation is very effective. Our courses allow students to study on their own schedules without sacrificing part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, or social events. Whether you choose 15-minutes per day or a couple of hours on the weekends, invest your time into study, and your efforts will be repaid.

Studying online with Livius Prep is also familiar to today’s students. The days of paper and pen learning are long gone, replaced by Chromebooks and iPads. That’s why we tutor in a familiar form, but we also include exposure to the traditional environment to ensure students are prepared to perform on the day of the exam.

Using a tutor can be embarrassing to some students. With online SAT prep, no one has to know. You can keep your tutoring on the DL and claim all the credit for your outrageously high scores!

Affordability is yet another reason to choose Livius Prep. The SAT Foundations Course is a free, four-week long course that will provide test-taking strategies and content knowledge followed by a proctored exam that we then use to provide a guide for further study and preparation. If you choose to continue study with us, we offer a range of plans and prices.

The Livius 8+ Methodology for Score Improvement

  1. Compare the SAT and ACT.
  2. Match the student to the tutor and class level.
  3. Plan for targeted improvement.
  4. Enlighten students with strategies and skills for mastering exams.
  5. Practice in areas targeted for improvement and build confidence in the process.
  6. Challenge yourself with practice in actual conditions.
  7. Adapt to test-taking with focus on the key factors.
  8. Execute test taking with a personalized plan.

What to Know about the SAT Examination

The SAT is a college entrance exam that indicates readiness for higher learning that universities and colleges use to determine admissions and qualify students for academic scholarships. The test is broken into two required sections – math and evidence-based reading and writing – and one optional section – an essay. Higher scores open up more opportunities.

The score for your SAT will be the sum of the two required portions – each offering up to 800 points. The highest score possible is an aggregate 1600 points.

Livius Prep is proud of our track record. We have over 1,000 perfect SAT/ACT scores, 2,000+ Ivy League admissions, and an average of $30K in academic-based scholarships for each student.

Preparing for the SAT with an online prep service is as easy as calling Livius Prep at (800) 428-8378 or reaching out online to take advantage of our high-quality tutoring services.