SAT/ACT Test Prep
Reach your score goals with expert 1 on 1 tutoring
Over 40 years experience
1000+ perfect SAT & ACT scores
Online and in-person
Contact Us
How We Do What We Do
Hiring Only The Best
We only want the best tutors representing us, therefore our tutors go through a careful vetting and training process before they can work with our students. We keep our standards high so we can continue delivering quality education.
Tutor Match Guarantee
If you decide your tutor isn’t a good match for you, just let us know after your first session. We’ll credit that session back to you and start you over with a new and better matched tutor for your needs.
8+ Methodology
The way we approach test prep is the result of 40 years of experience and 1 million + tutoring hours. We have cemented this knowledge into an 8 step process that we apply to every student’s test prep journey.
Comparison Test
Not sure whether to take the SAT or ACT?
Try the comparison test and see which test yields higher results.
Upon signing up for a tutoring package of 12+ hours, we'll subtract the test fee from the package cost.
Private Tutoring
1:1 online test prep tutoring with a master level tutor
supplemented by the official SAT/ACT guide.
We offer private tutoring packages in increments of
8, 12, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours.
College Bundle
Need help with your college applications too?
Alongside private test prep tutoring, we guide you through the rest of the admissions process including essay writing, extracurriculars, financial aid, and timeline management.
What's Included In Tutoring Packages
Students receive the official SAT or ACT guide along with Livius Prep practice books.
Baseline Testing
Students begin by taking an official test and receive a personal score improvement checklist.
Custom Lesson Plan
Engage in personalized sessions that are based on your individual score improvement checklist.
Post-Session Notes
Our expert-level tutors offer post-session notes for families to review progress.
Practice Tests
Take practice tests throughout your tutoring to monitor your areas of improvement.
Question Platform
Explore our online asynchronous question platform, designed to provide invaluable practice experience.
Tutor Guarantee
If your first session doesn’t meet your expectations, we’ll credit it back to & you pair you with a new tutor.
Refund Policy
I attended ACT prep here after completing a comparison of SAT vs ACT. Livius’s classes provided me with the tools to increase my score as well as select the test that would best suit me. Livius also provided a practice test under exam style conditions. I felt prepared for my ACT and my scores showed wonderful results. Thanks to Livius’s instruction my scores granted me admittance to Harvard College. I highly recommend Livius to all students.
– Payton C., Livius Student
Got any questions? Give us a call!
246 Walnut St, Suite 101, Newton, MA 02155
(800) 428-8378